Just wondering i am just 19
why do i need to get through so many thing?
I am ok if just need to face on book..study....
But i need care on other too?
my housemate both arguing and i worrying?
my sister go out with bf i nid to worry too?
i got not much time to care bout all
why dont u guys be mature bit?
For u my sis
why dont u be responsible bit?
its just so easy to on ur handphone and sms me ur location
dont make me worry..its just that easy.
now mum and dad starting to call me and scold me
what should i tell them?
i go to college study from 1 to 6.30 and back u disappear?
dont even have a message?
and ur phone cannot contact?
i know u with bf should be safe
but seriously i dont even know ur bf yet
by judging his face i know he is good guy
but i dont know his inner is how
but for u my sis bf
Do u know a responsible bf shudnt be bringing ur another part at outside for so long and not even contact other?
i think u know what i mean
what i need is just a message or call.
is it just that hard?
the day u asked me will i disagree u and my sis?
i dint reli give u answer
but now i think u should know the answer already
except u both stop doin this kind of thing anymore
My parent are freaking angry right now
i become the middle people of everyone?
my housemate and now both of u?
Seriously i hope both of u see this post
i just wanna be a normal college student that can go out drink with my friend
and find a girl friend like others do.
i been rejecting all my friend for any activity do u know that?
i got no mood at all.
even my normal meal is interrupted
i cnnt eat on time and i got no mood to face those food.
i just wanna be normal